Industry: Consumer Equipment
Part Type: Bicycle Gear
Material: Anodized Aluminum
Mark Data Type: Text + Logo
Laser Mark Type: Laser Etching, multiple passes for consistent burn through powder coating to get white, frosted mark

A Jimani Langolier is a turn key system and versatile tool for most manufacturing and processing environments. The Open Table Langolier is designed to be a compact, stand alone laser marking station flexible enough to handle one off samples and mid-range production runs. Rigid part holders or a choice of Z axis travel lab jacks can be used to place to work at the focal plane of the Desktop Langolier's beam focusing lens.
Designed to be a turn key, flexible system the Langolier Open Table is ideal for small, low volume, high variety production environments. This laser system is perfectly suited for the flexible work environment where your marking needs might change, the marking station needs to be moved, or the parts being marked are large or odd shapes.
All Langolier fiber laser marking systems are supplied with Prolase, a user friendly, proven, robust laser marking systems software package very easy to use for importing and manipulating graphics files for brands, logos, and schematic files.